
July 2024 Update

July 2024 Update

Tom Rudnitsky

Manufacturing progress update, info on why we removed the expression controls, a first look at the 88-key model, and details details on Batch 2

July 2024 Update

Tom Rudnitsky

Manufacturing progress update, info on why we removed the expression controls, a first look at the 88-key model, and details details on Batch 2

Design is Finalized, First Batch Production has Started

Design is Finalized, First Batch Production has...

Tom Rudnitsky

Click here to subscribe to future updates If you believe in this project and want to help support it, share this article with two friends who play piano.    This project...

Design is Finalized, First Batch Production has...

Tom Rudnitsky

Click here to subscribe to future updates If you believe in this project and want to help support it, share this article with two friends who play piano.    This project...

February 2024 Update

February 2024 Update

Tom Rudnitsky

What we've been up to since our last update

February 2024 Update

Tom Rudnitsky

What we've been up to since our last update

Vidal keyboard being played in a music studio

Two More Pre-Orders Available

Tom Rudnitsky

Big Improvements to our Magnet Action It's been a busy fall here at Vidal, and today we wanted to give a brief update on what's been going on behind the...

Two More Pre-Orders Available

Tom Rudnitsky

Big Improvements to our Magnet Action It's been a busy fall here at Vidal, and today we wanted to give a brief update on what's been going on behind the...

Why We Started Vidal

Why We Started Vidal

Tom Rudnitsky

  The Draw of a Real Instrument Few things are as satisfying as playing a grand piano. The feel of the keys under your fingers, the way the sound blooms from...

Why We Started Vidal

Tom Rudnitsky

  The Draw of a Real Instrument Few things are as satisfying as playing a grand piano. The feel of the keys under your fingers, the way the sound blooms from...

How Our Magnet Action Works

How Our Magnet Action Works

Tom Rudnitsky

An in-depth look at the design of our Magnet Action MIDI Controllers

How Our Magnet Action Works

Tom Rudnitsky

An in-depth look at the design of our Magnet Action MIDI Controllers